The Magnus Protocol

A quick disclaimer (click to expand)

Hi everyone, I'm glad this website has been of use to you! I want to clarify something quickly.

TL;DR: These transcripts are fan-edited versions of the Rusty Quill official transcripts. If you want to theorize based on transcript details, please use the official transcripts themselves, which are linked here and at the beginning of each episode transcript.

Longer explanation: Rusty Quill releases PDF transcripts for each episode of the Magnus Protocol. They are shooting scripts, however, which means that they have more details on setting than could be conceivably deduced from audio (e.g. the description of Lena's office in MAGP001), some script deviation from the actual dialogue, and fewer tone markers for major characters.

The transcripts on this page are just the Rusty Quill ones formatted into HTML for your easier linking/copy-pasting purposes, but I have also taken the liberty of fixing some lines that changed during recording, editing some soundscape descriptions so they better match what I can pick up on while listening, and adding some tone markers.

All of this is to say: A lot of the wording in the transcripts' "stage directions" is written by me, a random podcast fan with no connection to Rusty Quill. I think they are good descriptions of what happens in the episode (and if they're not, you can always fill out the feedback form to tell me). But please don't take it as authorial intent without looking at the originals!

That's all. Have a good day, and protocol on. :)

000.1 Trailer TRAILER 2023‑10‑11
001 First Shift 2024‑01‑18
002 Making Adjustments 2024‑01‑18
003 Putting Down Roots 2024‑01‑25
004 Taking Notes 2024‑02‑01
005 Personal Screening 2024‑02‑08
006 Introductions 2024‑02‑15
007 Give and Take 2024‑02‑22
008 Running on Empty 2024‑02‑29
009 Rolling With It 2024‑03‑07
010 Saturday Night 2024‑03‑14
011 Marked 2024‑04‑11
012 Getting Off 2024‑04‑18
013 Futures 2024‑04‑25
014 Pet Project 2024‑05‑02
015 Well Run 2024‑05‑09
016 Anti-Social 2024‑05‑16
017 Saved Copy 2024‑05‑23
018 Solo Work 2024‑05‑30
019 Hard Reset 2024‑06‑06
020 Social Stigma 2024‑06‑13
021 Breaking Ground 2024‑07‑11
022 Mixed Signals 2024‑07‑18
023 A New You 2024‑07‑25
024 Raising Issues 2024‑08‑01
025 Gut Feelings 2024‑08‑08
026 Catching Up 2024‑08‑15
027 Driven 2024‑08‑22
028 Interruptions 2024‑08‑29
029 Keyed In 2024‑09‑05
030 Dead End Job 2024‑09‑12
030.01 System Update EPILOGUE 2024‑09‑26
030.05 Season 2 Trailer TRAILER 2025‑02‑13
031 Compartmentalising 2025‑02‑27
032 Restructuring 2025‑03‑06
033 Peer Review 2025‑03‑13
034 Eliminations 2025‑03‑20
035 Terms and Conditions 2025‑03‑27


030.02 Plenty More Fish (Fluff) 2024‑10‑03
030.03 What If They Listened to Colin? (What If) 2024‑10‑10
030.04 Season 1 QnA 2025‑01‑30